LINGUIST List 30.4474

Tue Nov 26 2019

Confs: Linguistic Theories, Morphology, Phonetics, Phonology, Syntax, Typology/USA

Editor for this issue: Everett Green <>

Date: 19-Nov-2019
From: Nicholas Rolle <>
Subject: Princeton Phonology Forum 2020
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Princeton Phonology Forum 2020
Short Title: PɸF 2020

Date: 10-Apr-2020 - 11-Apr-2020
Location: Princeton, NJ, USA
Contact: Nicholas Rolle
Contact Email: < click here to access email >
Meeting URL:

Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Morphology; Phonetics; Phonology; Syntax; Typology


Meeting Description:

The second meeting of the Princeton Phonology Forum (PɸF 2020) will be held on April 10 and 11, 2020. The theme for PɸF 2020 is ''Tone and phonological theory''.

It has been nearly a decade since Hyman (2011) proposed the question ''Tone: is it different?'', illustrating the many ways that tone should be considered distinct. This workshop is meant to further this discussion, exploring the precise contributions tone uniquely makes to phonological theory. A sample of questions include:

- how should tone be represented and computed?
- morphologically, what kinds of tonal exponence are there?
- how can tone be used to express syntactic relations?
- how does tone interact with other prosody (stress, feet, intonation, boundary tones)?
- how is tonal contrast implemented at the phonology/phonetics interface (e.g. incomplete neutralization)?
- how can tone inform current theoretical developments, such as computational phonology, probabilistic phonology, interface-ist phonology, and variants of current Optimality Theory?

The confirmed speakers are:

Gabriela Caballero (UC San Diego)
Laura Downing (University of Gothenburg)
Christopher Green (Syracuse University)
Larry Hyman (UC Berkeley)
Adam Jardine (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
René Kager (Utrecht University)
Florian Lionnet (Princeton University)
Laura McPherson (Dartmouth College)
Marjorie Pak (Emory University)
Nicholas Rolle (Princeton University)
Hannah Sande (Georgetown University)
Jochen Trommer (Leipzig University)
Hiroto Uchihara (National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM))

On Friday April 10, the workshop will run from 1:30pm to 6pm, and on Saturday April 11, 9am to 5pm. On Saturday evening, all attendees are invited to join us for refreshments following the workshop.

All are welcome to attend and contribute to the discussion. In particular, we encourage graduate students to attend. Registration is free. We ask those planning to attend to register by March 20, 2020.

PɸF 2020 will run parallel with the Princeton Symposium on Syntactic Theory (PSST 2020).

See our website for full details.

Page Updated: 26-Nov-2019