Book Reviews

Click here to request a book to review. (Note that the login system has changed, and you will now be asked for your email address rather than your last name. If you encounter any problems with this, please email [email protected].)

Guidelines for LINGUIST List book reviews

To submit a completed review, click here.

How to review books for LINGUIST List

  1. Between the 1st and the 20th of the month, visit the book request page.
  2. You will be asked to ensure that your personal information is complete and up-to-date and to select upto 3 books to review. You may change which books you have selected at any time before the 21st.
  3. If you are selected to review one of the books you have requested, you will receive an email at the end of the month with instructions for submitting the review.
  4. After you receive the book from the publisher, you will have 6 weeks to complete the review according to our reviewing guidelines.

If you have any questions about any part of this process, please contact [email protected].